Volume 4, Issue 2 (June 2022)                   IEEPJ 2022, 4(2): 331-340 | Back to browse issues page

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Asadi Hieh A, Panahi M, Mohammadi J, Ghaedi M. (2022). The Effectiveness of Group Resiliency Training on Aggression and Academic Adjustment in Elementary Students. IEEPJ. 4(2), 331-340. doi:10.52547/ieepj.4.2.331
URL: http://ieepj.hormozgan.ac.ir/article-1-530-en.html
1- MA, Clinical Psychology, Payame Noor University, South Tehran Branch, Tehran, Iran , aminasadi7213@gmail.com
2- MA, Consulting, Research Sciences Branch, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran
3- MA, General Psychology, Payame Noor University, Kaboudar Ahang Branch, Hamedan, Iran
4- MA, Educational Psychology, Payame Noor University, Shiraz Branch, Shiraz, Iran
Abstract:   (1349 Views)
The present study aimed to investigate the effectiveness of group resiliency training on aggression and academic adjustment in elementary students. The research method was quasi-experimental in which a pretest-posttest design with a control group was used. The statistical population was all sixth grade elementary school girls in Baharestan, Tehran (Iran) in 2020. Participants were 30 students were selected by convenience sampling method and randomly assigned to experimental and control groups. The experimental group received the group resilience training based on the package of Roghanchi et al. (2018) in eight 90-minutes sessions for 2 months (one session per week). The control group did not receive any intervention during this period and remained on the waiting list. The Buss-Perry (1992) Aggression Questionnaire (BPAQ) and Sinha and Singh (1971) Adjustment Inventory for School Students were used to collect data. The research hypotheses were tested using univariate and multivariate analysis of covariance. The results demonstrated that group resiliency training was significantly effective on aggression and academic adjustment (p <0.01). In general, the findings support the role of resilience-based interventions in reducing negative behaviors such as aggression and increasing positive behaviors such as academic adjustment in elementary students.
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Educational Psychology
Received: 2022/02/26 | Accepted: 2022/05/3 | Published: 2022/06/1

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