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Study of Corporate Elements Culture in Effective Secondary Schools (11026 Views) |
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Predictors of Exam Cheating Among the High School Students: Role of Personality Characteristics, Sensation-Seeking, Locus of Control and Exam Anxiety (9400 Views) |
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Investigating the Relationship between Students' Personality Traits in Single-Child, Two-Child and Multiple-Child Families with Parent-Child Relationship (4010 Views) |
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The Effectiveness of Chess on Problem-Solving, Working Memory, and Concentration of Male High School Students (8975 Downloads) |
Psychometric Evaluation of the Academic Resilience Scale (ARS-30) in Iran (5012 Downloads) |
The Effect of Intensive Short-Term Dynamic Psychotherapy on Marital Conflicts and Interpersonal Processing of Married Women with Emotional Divorce (3908 Downloads) |
Effects of Feedback on Iranian EFL Learners' writing Development: Group Dynamic Assessment vs. Formative Assessment (3066 Downloads) |
Gender Differences in Expectations, Purposes and Attitudes to Marriage in University Students (2945 Downloads) |
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Does Academic Commitment Affect the Learners' Progress through Academic Buoyancy? A Structural Equation Model (2248 Downloads) |
Cognitive Styles and Psychological Resilience as Predictors of Academic Burnout (2219 Downloads) |
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Well-being and Perfectionism in Students: Adaptive versus Maladaptive (2058 Downloads) |
Investigating the Relationship between Students' Personality Traits in Single-Child, Two-Child and Multiple-Child Families with Parent-Child Relationship (1929 Downloads) |
Designing a Higher Education Curriculum Framework Based on Connectivism Approach (1923 Downloads) |
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The Effectiveness of Solution-focused Therapy on Couples' Marital Adjustment in Conflicted Couples (1832 Downloads) |
Investigating and Comparing the Effectiveness of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and Acceptance and Commitment Therapy on Emotional Self-efficacy of Family Headed Women (1810 Downloads) |
A Sociopsychological Study of Professional Competencies of a 21st Century EFL Teacher (1805 Downloads) |
Comparing The Effect of Virtual and Face-to-Face Education on Learning Motivation and Procrastination in Elementary School Students During the Coronavirus Pandemic (COVID-19) (1737 Downloads) |
The Role of School Connectedness and Family Cohesion in Predicting Bullying and Victimization in an Iranian Sample (1708 Downloads) |
Predictors of Exam Cheating Among the High School Students: Role of Personality Characteristics, Sensation-Seeking, Locus of Control and Exam Anxiety (1681 Downloads) |
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The Impact of Executive Functions-Based Intervention on School Engagement and Academic Self-Concept of Students with Dyslexia (1651 Downloads) |
The Effectiveness of the Training based on Executive Functions on Student's Mental Vitality (1648 Downloads) |
A Structural Equation Modeling Analysis of the Model of Motivational Variables Affecting Iranian EFL Teachers’ Competency in ELT (1641 Downloads) |
The Relationship between Parental Psychological Control and Imposter Syndrome through the Mediation of Academic Procrastination in Gifted Students (1635 Downloads) |
The Lust and its Management Strategies in Saadi’s Bustan (1634 Downloads) |
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Indexing and Abstracting ( 270 print) |
Publication Ethics ( 244 print) |
Peer Review ( 233 print) |
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