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Showing 2 results for High Schools

Mohammadreza Zahedsheykhi, Dr. Hossein Mahdiyan, Dr. Mahmoud Shirazi,
Volume 0, Issue 0 (11-2021)

The purpose of this study was to develop a self-regulated learning program and evaluate its impact on the academic motivation of male and female students in Shahed high schools in Zahedan (Iran). The study followed a quasi-experimental design with pre-test and post-test measurements, using two experimental and control groups. The sample population consisted of all male and female students in these schools during the academic year 2021. A multi-stage cluster sampling method was used to select 60 students (30 girls and 30 boys), who were then randomly assigned to the experimental and control groups (15 boys and 15 girls in each group). Data was collected using Academic Motivation Scale (AMS, Vallerand et al., 1989) )and analyzed using analysis of covariance. The post-test mean scores of the experimental group were significantly higher than the control group in academic motivation, indicating that the self-regulated learning program had a positive impact. These findings suggest that educational organizations and public and private centers responsible for educating students can use this program to enhance academic motivation in classroom settings and educational workshops.

Maryam Mohammadtaheri, Dr. Gholamreza Vaysi, Dr. Saifollah Fazlollahi,
Volume 4, Issue 2 (5-2022)

This study aimed to identify the factors and indicators of happiness in high school educational environments using a qualitative research method. The study population included experts in education and psychology, especially happiness. In addition, the research sample consisted of 21 experts who were selected by purposive and snowball sampling techniques. Semi-structured interviews were applied to collect the required data. In this research, first, factors, components, and indicators were identified based on theoretical and research literature and interviews with experts, and then the experts were graded based on a 10-point Likert-type scale in terms of importance. Finally, the data were analyzed using MAXQDA software. The findings revealed that according to the interviewees, creating happiness in the educational environments of secondary schools depends on five factors, 14 components, and 59 indicators. These factors and indicators included physical space (visual space, facilities, and space design) and educational (cultural-artistic) activities (exciting situations and holding extracurricular workshops). Further, the other factors were academic activities (job skills and personal characteristics of school staff, quality of academic contents, and scientific-research activities), student characteristics (moral-social, emotional-psychological, physical, and family characteristics), and school earnings (formal and informal financial contributions). The respondents believed that these factors affect happiness in secondary schools. In general, the findings of the present study can be used in designing interventions to improve the level of happiness in high schools.

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