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1- MA student in Family Councelling, Department of Psychology, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
2- Department of Psychology, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran , abrahmati@ir.ac.uk
3- Department of Psychology, Shahid Bahonar University of Kerman, Kerman, Iran
Abstract:   (446 Views)
Internet infidelity, as one of the psychological damages and relationship disorders, can lead to numerous conflicts, family breakdown, and even divorce. The aim of this research was to explore inhibitory factors of internet infidelity in married couples through a qualitative study based on the grouneded theory approach. After reviewing the theoretical literature, life experiences of married individuals, and clinical observations, two groups were selected, including "individuals involved in internet infidelity" and "committed users regarding internet infidelity." These participants were sampled purposefully and theoretically, and data were collected through semi-structured interviews. The obtained data were analyzed using the Strauss and Corbin's (2008) method, resulting in the development of a grounded theory that revolves around the central phenomenon of inhibitory factors of internet infidelity. In this model, the causal conditions consist of eliminating instigating factors, filling the internal source of love, living with common manner, fear of infidelity exposure, and love for children. The contextual conditions involve controlling environmental instigating factors, awareness of the harms of infidelity, belief in commitment, corrective behaviors, and successful couples' therapy. Intervention conditions encompass a healthy social culture, proper use of the law, online detoxification, reliable information, avoidance of self-centeredness, attention to concerns, and high-profile friends. The strategies consist of prevention and treatment strategies toward virtual infidelity, individual and family counseling, shelter management, spending time with the spouse in the virtual space, and joint control. The outcomes include preserving the family system, increasing security and trust, fostering youth's desire for marriage, and providing a platform for enhancing couples' communication and skills. Identifying inhibitory factors and maintaining commitment can serve as a recommendation for pre-marriage counseling, couples' therapy skills training, and family counseling policy-making.
Type of Study: Original | Subject: Evolutionary Psychology
Received: 2023/06/27 | Accepted: 2023/09/5

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