Volume 4, Issue 4 (December 2022)                   IEEPJ 2022, 4(4): 146-154 | Back to browse issues page

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Rameshifar M, Sefidgaran A, Rezaei M, Charkhabi M, Asadi H. (2022). Comparison of Psychological Profiles of Couples Applicants for Divorce with Cohabitation Less than and More than Five Years. IEEPJ. 4(4), 146-154. doi:10.52547/ieepj.4.4.146
URL: http://ieepj.hormozgan.ac.ir/article-1-596-en.html
1- Master of Clinical Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Andimeshk Branch,Andimeshk, Iran , Mgramesh16@gmail.com
2- Master of General Psychology, Payam Noor University, Karaj Branch, Karaj, Iran
3- Master of Clinical Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Electronics Department, Iran
4- Master of Personality Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Ahvaz branch, Ahvaz, Iran
5- Master of Science in Clinical Psychology, Islamic Azad University, Research Sciences Branch, Tehran (Semnan), Iran
Abstract:   (930 Views)
In recent studies, psychological factors, personality traits and emotional and cognitive profiles of couple’s applicants for divorce have been considered. The current study aimed to examine the psychological profile of couples applying for divorce. This study in the first part was a survey type that evaluates the psychological profile of couples applying for divorce with cohabitation. In the second part and in a causal-comparative study, we compared the profiles of couples applying for divorce with cohabitation less than and more than five years. The statistical population includes all couples applying for divorce of Tehran in 2022. Participants were 60 volunteers were selected by purposive sampling method, and finally 32 cases were selected as the sample. Data was collected by Cattell's 16 Personality Factors Test .The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics and one sample T-test. The results indicated that between the couples applying for divorce with less than and more than five years of marriage there are significant differences  in most of the psychological characteristics except for the spontaneous versus restrained, suspicious versus trusting and inpatient versus relaxed. In general, the findings support the role of psychological factors in the tendency and attitude towards divorce in couples
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Type of Study: Original | Subject: Evolutionary Psychology
Received: 2022/10/28 | Accepted: 2022/11/1 | Published: 2022/12/1

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